Sunday, January 31, 2010


every heart that knows beating 
is excited...
every heart that pounds
is confused...
for the reason that is understandable!
it seems that the cool breeze will blow away
all the shyness and fear on this 14th!

the key of success lies in the hands of the person whom you adore the most. ironically, sometimes he/she may be the one who may disappoint u and kill your feelings .but that doesn't mean that u should fold your hands and keep waiting... remember there are others also in the queue who will be trying out there luck.
there is definitely a fear when u go and propose someone, but let me tell you, that fear is just momentary. think about the happiness u will get when the feelings that were suppressed in your heart for so long come out. if he/she accepts then u get that which was yours, and if not then it was never yours.but please at least make an attempt. 'it is better to try now, then to regret later'.

february 14th at 18 is really very special!

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